Category Archives: vedic astrology

How to overcome of the cheated boyfriend

Love is the most pretty feeling, in love people truly dedicate with each other and make their life lovely with their love partner. But painful and worse feeling come in the relation when people cheated on their partner and go apart. Cheating is major disrespect. If you are in love with your desire guy, he makes relationship with you but after sometimes, he goes to leave you alone or betrayed you or you want to overcome of cheated boyfriend then just take the help of astrology. if you fall in love with your desire boy, he does the same feeling for you or your relation is going good but suddenly you seem that your boyfriend is dating someone else and he start ignoring you or his behave is change as before and at the last he cheated on you.  So what you’ll do after knowing that he cheated on? How do you get past the pain?  If you truly want to move on or get rid of cheated boyfriend then astrologer will help you.  They have a tactic to change […]

How to End the Existence of Someone

  Sometimes in life, it happens that you get to fall in love with that person who is aware with your feelings but they don’t care about your feelings and never give importance to you. So in that situation the Question occurs is How to End the Existence of Someone? Because it’s really unfair that you are hurting yourself cause of that person who don’t cares about you. So in that situation instead of hurting yourself, it’s better to give up and step out to that feeling. But it’s not that much easy as what you thinking because letting go the feelings are not easier for anyone so for doing that you can take help of us. Our astrologer is the one who can help you to move from this unbearable situation or issues. As by using of astrological tactics we will help you which are easier to accrue and understand.   How to convince your desire one The other situation is that a person whom you like has no idea about your feelings that you like them and as […]

Magic Spell to Get Pregnant with Twins

Become parents is one of the best feelings in the world and everyone wants to have a babies in their life. babies are god gifted to the human being and the couples are very lucky who have baby in their life, a baby is the one who fill whole the family with lots of happiness. Magic spell to get pregnant with twins is a spell who works like icing on cake for the pregnant lady. When a lady get pregnant she wish for having twins baby in her womb and everybody says that all things is in god’s hand, if they wants they will bless a couple with twins. Yes, we know that god is the superior and having the power of all thing but something is depends in our also. Many of people use this magic spell for getting twins baby in their life, magic spell gives 100% result for the couple. And the major purpose behind casting this spell is to make people happy and specially the woman because a girl is the one who is the most […]

Stop Separation and Divorce Problems

Marriage is the relations where two individuals take part and decide to spend their whole life with each other and we know that in the whole world no one have the same mentality. Stop separation and Divorce problem is also the service for this kind of problem. In marriage, two individuals spend their whole life with each other and they both have different mentality but understanding each partner is the main game of the relationship. Because when people fail to understand each other they fail to make their story successful and meet with the separation problem. As another relation marriage is also with full of ups and downs but many of people fails to deal with these ups and down and that causes dispute and divorce, which is definitely neither good for the couple nor for their family. So now by the help of astrologers you can save your relationship and can easily make your married relation successful. Black magic for husband wife relation Break up and divorce ratio is getting increase day by day and the reason behind that […]

Solve Love Marriage problem by Professional   

Love is a beautiful and emotional feeling which can only understand the people who live it. On the same hand Love is a most beautiful gift from the god to the humans because human life is full of ups and down and people get fed up in these all so in that situation Love is the only thing which helps them to get step out from this problem. When we have someone in your life that we love too much then obviously we both always have on a dream to get marry with each other. But in Indian families getting marry with the inter cast person is not allowed, they take it as a big sin. In that condition get love marry with loved one becomes too difficult, but don’t worry nothing is impossible in this life Solve Love Marriage problem by Professional, Inter cast marriage specialist our Guru ji is here to help you by the help of our Guru ji you can make your love partner as your life forever. Make agree parents for love marriage by vashikaran Vashikaran is the best […]

Get what you want by using Black Magic

  Human life is full of desires and it’s a human tendency that our desires never end we always look forwards for something good. You can get what you want by using black magic. Yes, it’s true black magic is a very powerful aspect of astrology. The reason behind that is black magic is fully powered with supernatural power and as everyone aware of those supernatural powers are never ever get fails to complete nay of work. And it is the only reason black magic always gets successful. Whatever desires you have like having a luxury car, a big bungalow, cool lifestyle, big bank balance, successful business or a dream job you can fulfill all of these by using of black magic. Black Magic to Become Rich Wants to get a rich person? Yes, obviously who don’t want this? But as the same hand we all know that become rich is not easy task because it need two things first is hard work and second is good luck and just for once we can ignore a hard work, but we […]

Extra Affair and Relationship Solution by Vashikaran

  Extra affair and relationship solution by vashikaran is a service by our astrologer for the people who is facing problem of cheating in their relationship. in today’s time relationship are become very normal for youngsters, many of people take this as a game or as a just for time pass and that’s the reason after sometimes of relationship they get bore from their partner and start dating with other person and when their partner know this thing they get very upset because no one wants to see their loved one with other person. But they have no option that how to stop this extra affair. So for those kinds of people Vashikaran mantra is the solution by using of vashikaran mantra you –people can easily stop this entire thing and can easily save your relation. Extra marital affair solution In Indian tradition marriage is a very important thing. And for Indian women their husband is everything. Their life starts on their husbands and ends also on their husband. And their ways been loyal with their husband but in return […]

शरद पूर्णिमा आज: चाँद की चाँदनी में करे ये कार्य

आश्विन मास की पूर्णिमा को शरद पूर्णिमा कहते हैं।  साल 2015 में यह दिन 26 अक्टूबर को है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस दिन चंद्रमा की किरणों में अमृत होता है। शरद पूर्णिमा पर चाँद अपनी १६ कलाएं पूर्ण करता है। शरद पूर्णिमा को “कोजागरी” या कोजागर पूर्णिमा के नाम से जाना जाता है। कहा जाता है की शरद पूर्णिमा पर महालक्ष्मी जी  रात को भ्रमण पर निकलती है, यह देखने को की कौन जाग रहा है, जो भी जाग रहा होता है देवी उनके ऊपर अपनी कृपा करती है और जो सो रहा होता है उनके घर में नहीं ठहरती है। लक्ष्मीजी के “को जागर्ति” (कौन जाग रहा है?) कहने के कारण ही इस दिन को कोजागर कहा जाता है।   आज की रात बहुत ख़ास है  और आज की रात निचे लिखे कुछ कार्य करने से आपके बहुत से कार्य सिद्ध हो सकते है। ये है आज की ख़ास रात के ख़ास उपाय 1. जैसा की बताया  था की आज की रात महालक्ष्मी जी रात के  भ्रमण पर निकलती है यह देखने को कौन जाग रहा है।  और […]

नवरात्री में करिये ये कुछ खास उपाय और देखिये कैसे बनते है बिगड़े काम

भारतीय परम्परा में नवरात्रों का अपना अलग ही महत्व है एक तरफ गरबो की धूम तो एक तरफ आस्था का सागर। ऐसा ही  है ये ये नवरात्रे का त्यौहार। 9 दिनों तक चलने वाले इस पर्व में माता के अलग अलग रूपों  में पूजा की जाती है और कहते है अगर आप देवी माँ की सच्ची दिल से पूजा करे तो आप जो चाहते है वो आपको जरूर मिलता है। तो चलिए आपको बताते है ऐसे ही कुछ उपाय जिनमे से  अगर आप एक भी अच्छे से कर लेंगे तो आपके ऊपर जरूर माँ की कृपा होगी और बिगड़े काम बन जायेगे। नवरात्रों में ९ दिन के व्रत रखे और अगर ९ दिन के व्रत ना भी रख पाये तो कम से कम पहला व् आखरी नवरात्र जरूर रखे। प्याज,लहसुन,मदिरा,तम्बाकू आदि का सेवन बिलकुल भी ना करे। और घर में कलेश बिलकुल भी ना करे। श्री सूक्त पाठ ९ दिनों तक लगातार करने से घर में कभी भी आर्थिक संकट नहीं आता है। 9 दिनों तक माता को इत्र तथा शहद चढ़ाये इससे माता बहुत प्रसन्न होती है। और यदि […]

चाहते है खुद का अपना मकान तो करिये ये उपाय

  रोटी कपडा और मकान हर किसी की पहली  जरूरत होती है।  जिंदगी में इन तीनो चीज़ो का होना बहुत जरूरी है। इनमे से रोटी और कपडा तो फिर भी एक बार के लिए हम आसानी से कर लेते है पर खुद का मकान होना और बनाना बहुत ही मुश्किल  काम है। अगर आप भी अपने घर का मकान बनाने का सपना रखते है पर आप अपनी ये जरूरत पूरी करने में असमर्थ हो रहे है तो चिंता मत कीजिये हम आपको ऐसे ही कुछ  उपाय बताने जा रहे है जिनको करने से आपका यह सपना बहुत जल्दी पूरा हो जायेगा। खुद का घर पाने के उपाय रोज सुबह जल्दी उठ कर नहा ले और रोज गणेश जी को लाल फूल चढ़ाये। यह कार्य 21 दिनों तक करे और गणेश जी से समस्या निवारण  हेतु प्रार्थना करे। किसी भी गणेश जी के मंदिर में  5 मंगलवार तक गेंहू और गुड चढ़ाये। मंगलवार को सफ़ेद गाय और बछड़े को भीगी हुई मसूर की दाल और गुड जरूर खिलाये। इसके साथ साथ घोड़े को भी भीगे हुई चने की दाल खिलाये। अपने घर के मंदिर में एक […]