Category Archives: Occult

Kundli Doshas and Remedies in Astrology

If you are doing not, what the explanation behind your failure to grip, there are over and over. You’re employed onerous on one thing, however don’t get the fascinating results. You employed and work on your wedding and relationships; however all you get is disapproval, dislike and guilt. There are varied individuals within the world that suffer from such issues and are terribly foiled in her life. This disappointment, that they receive, probably as a result of the negativity in their Kundli, because of the positions and movements of stars and planets. The position of some specific stars on some specific homes is often terribly contradictory and will be the explanation of the various doshas in your Kundli. The presence of the doshas in kundli will cause numerous non-favorable conditions in your life as failures on jobs, delays in wedding, separation in wedding, divorce in wedding and money issues etc. Some of the doshas, which may within the Kundli can be: 1. Manglik Dosha 2. Nadi Dosha 3. Kal Sarp Dosha Kal Sarp Dosha are often any subdivided: 1. Anant […]

चाहते है खुद का अपना मकान तो करिये ये उपाय

  रोटी कपडा और मकान हर किसी की पहली  जरूरत होती है।  जिंदगी में इन तीनो चीज़ो का होना बहुत जरूरी है। इनमे से रोटी और कपडा तो फिर भी एक बार के लिए हम आसानी से कर लेते है पर खुद का मकान होना और बनाना बहुत ही मुश्किल  काम है। अगर आप भी अपने घर का मकान बनाने का सपना रखते है पर आप अपनी ये जरूरत पूरी करने में असमर्थ हो रहे है तो चिंता मत कीजिये हम आपको ऐसे ही कुछ  उपाय बताने जा रहे है जिनको करने से आपका यह सपना बहुत जल्दी पूरा हो जायेगा। खुद का घर पाने के उपाय रोज सुबह जल्दी उठ कर नहा ले और रोज गणेश जी को लाल फूल चढ़ाये। यह कार्य 21 दिनों तक करे और गणेश जी से समस्या निवारण  हेतु प्रार्थना करे। किसी भी गणेश जी के मंदिर में  5 मंगलवार तक गेंहू और गुड चढ़ाये। मंगलवार को सफ़ेद गाय और बछड़े को भीगी हुई मसूर की दाल और गुड जरूर खिलाये। इसके साथ साथ घोड़े को भी भीगे हुई चने की दाल खिलाये। अपने घर के मंदिर में एक […]

करे राशि अनुसार कार्य जो लाये समृद्धि पूर्ण जीवन

  क्या आप भी परेशान है अपनी जीवन की परेशानी और आप कर चुके बहुत सारे उपाय पर आपको नहीं मिल रही है सफलता तो मत होईये परेशान। क्युकी आप शायद ना जानते हो पर हर राशि का अलग अलग असर होता है और उसके उपाय भी उसी राशि के अनुसार होता है तो आइये आज आपको बताते है ऐसे ही कुछ राशि अनुरूप उपाय जिनके प्रयोग से आपकी सारी परेशानिया दूर हो सकती है। मेष राशि :- गाय को रोज मीठी रोटी खिलाये और लाल कपडे में सवा किलो मसूर बांधकर अपने घर में रखे और अगर आप व्यापारी है तो अपनी दुकान में भी रख सकते है धीरे धीरे सभी बाधाएँ शान्त होती जाएगी, धन लाभ होगा। वृष राशि:– अपने घर में प्लांट लगाये और जितना हो सकते इत्र का प्रयोग करे। गंगा या अन्य किसी भी पवित्र नदी का जल किसी मटके या पात्र में लेकर उसे सफेद कपड़े से ढंककर अपने घऱ, या कार्य क्षेत्र में रखे। मिथुन राशि:– तामसिक भोजन का परित्याग करें। और एक कांसे का बर्तन हरे कपड़े में बांधकर अपने घर में […]

भूत प्रेत से बचने के लिए कारगर मंत्र साधना

हम जानते है कई लोग आज भी भूत प्रेत पर विश्वास नहीं करते है पर हम सिर्फ एक चीस जानते है की अगर इस दुनिया में भगवान है और अछि शक्तियाँ है तो बुरी शक्तियॉ  का भी वास है कई लोग इस बात पर बिलकुल विश्वास नहीं करते है की भूत प्रेत भी कुछ होते है और वही कुछ लोगो हद से ज्यादा विश्वास  करते है. कई बार लोग इन्हे काली शक्तियाँ भी कहते है । जब कोई भी काली शक्तियों के चुंगल में आ जाता है तो अनचाहे चीज़ करने लगता है जैसे आँखे लाल पड़ जाना, अजीब अजीब से दुर्गन्ध आना, मीठा खाने की इक्छा होना, शरीर में हद से जयदा दर्द होने, अचानक से आवाज बदल जाना आदि । ऐसे में उस इंसान के घर वाले हर तरह की कोशिश करते है की वह उस बुरी आत्मा के चुंगल से बाहर आ जाये पर कई बार तंत्र मंत्र साधना भी विफल हो जाती है क्युकी कई बुरी शक्तिया बहुत शक्तिशाली होती है ऐसे में सिर्फ एक ही उपाय है और वह है पवन पुत्र हनुमान जी की […]

Are you the Victim of Unfavorable Vastu?

Vaastu may be a modus Vivendi within which we are able to mix the traditional system of structure formations and system of logic of energies to form a formula for a stronger living. It will be outlined as a guide for healthy design, which incorporates forms, shapes, scales, colors, sources and out flows of water etc. The term vaastu is extremely common and is also better-known by the name of Vaastu Shastra. In keeping with common belief, vaastu is taken into account as an orthodox methodology of living. However this is often a thought. Vaastu means that excellent balance between all the 5 components i.e. Earth, water, fire, space, and air, additionally balance between all the refined energies prevailing within the surroundings. These refined energies can’t be seen however will be perceived. Understanding the refined energies that are electromagnetic energies, star energies, attractive force energies, are all cosmic truths if these are harmonious they produce sensible vaastu surroundings and improve the standard of our life. Vaastu may be a modus Vivendi within which we are able to mix the traditional […]

Three Gunas Plays The Game Of Life

Life is an interaction of 3 gunas specifically sattva, rajas and tamas. Shakespear aforementioned, “Life may be a stage and that we are all actors doing our roles in life.” The god of sattva is lord Vishnu; Lord Brahma is that the lord of rajas and tamas is lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is loved by most as we tend to all worry death and suffering. Lord shiva was loved by Ravana, the king of rakshasas. He’s the sole god who grants desires to individuals dominated by tamas. Lord Shiva is that the god of tamas therefore all the intoxicating medicine and wine, alcohols etc. are related to him. The present generation is rajas dominant. All the discoveries of contemporary day are by-products of rajas. It’s created the comforts that ancient individuals might have solely unreal off! But in following our dreams of comfort and achievements we’ve got crossed the boundaries of rajas guna. We’ve got neglected the peace and relaxation of tamas guna each at the small level still because the macro level. We’ve got destroyed nature for our comforts. […]

Dream Symbol and Symbolic Facts About Dream

Sleeping time is the most favorite time of generally every one and it is necessary to energize our body and mind for next day. Dreams are also an unavoidable part of sleeping and these are not useless as per Indian astrology, Vedic astrology, western astrology etc. Dreams show some special signs about past, present and future. But it is not easily understood by common person. Here i am going to reveal the facts of dreams astrology. Some dreams show the good luck while some frightening dreams are indicating about some problems in present and future. Some Good Dreams or Auspicious Dreams Which Show Something Good: If you see sun in the dream then it means that very soon you are going to see a Saint or spiritual persons. Way to get blessings from this dream is confirmed in near future. If you see clouds in dream then be happy because this dreams is indicating that you are going to get growth in your business and work. In dreams if you see riding horse then it also shows growth in business. […]

Nirjala Ekadashi Mahatmya And Vrat In Hindu Religion

Nirjala Ekadashi is taken into account one in all the toughest and hottest of all 24 Ekadashi fasts. Today is devoted to Lord Vishnu and is discovered on the eleventh day (Ekadashi) of the waxing time period within the month of Jyestha, as per the standard Hindu calendar. This fast derives its name from the water-less (Nir-jala) fast being discovered on today. It’s one in all the appreciated and virtues granting fast , if discovered religiously. This is that the strictest of dead the in Hindu faith. Staunch Vishnu devotees undertake this fast, and that they don’t drink water or any food whereas abstinence on the day. The fast begins on Ekadashi sunrise and ends on next day (Dwadasi) sunrise. It’s believed that perceptive Nirjala Ekadashi is additionally adequate to happening journey. Folks believe that observers of this fast, when death, are received by messengers from Vaikunta, abode of Vishnu, and not by Yama, the god of death. Nirjala Ekadashi story Nirjala Ekadashi is additionally called Pandava Bhima Ekadashi, supported the legend of Bhima, the second and strongest of the […]

Significance And Rituals Of Vat Savitri Vrat

Vat Savitri vrat symbolizes the normal care and concern of Indian wives to their husbands. Vat Savitri vrat is discovered within the month of Jyestha (mid could to middle June). The vrat continued throughout three days and three nights. It begins on the thirteenth day of the intense or dark half of a lunar fortnight and continues until the complete or new phase of the moon day. It’s same that the Vat or the East Indian Banyan tree is elaborately connected to the notable legend of Savitri and Satyavan. Within the battle of wits with Lord Tama, Savitri was able to persuade him to give back Satyavan’s life. The fast is discovered by married women over 3 days. It begins 2 days before purnima or amavasya within the month of Jyestha counting on whether or not one is observant the Vat Purnima or the Vat Amavasya fast. On this occasion of Vata Savitri Purnima women keep fast for his or her husbands, women wear bridal dresses and jewelry. Their fast is discovered the complete night until succeeding morning. After breaking […]

Eyes Are The Mirror To Our Character

Someone splendidly said ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’. Terribly competently same, the eyes just like the face mirror one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. Eyes additionally happen to be the primary factor that someone notices regarding somebody. As a result of its prominence on the face, poets and thinkers across the ages are captivated by them and have written lots of poems on an equivalent. Shape of eyes! The shapes of eyes are several – recessed, slanting, small, wide, amygdaloidal and far additional. The eyes of someone will reveal it all regarding the individual. It not solely mirrors their emotions however by perceptive closely, their temperament – however they react, what affects them and the way they behave with others will be judged too. In short, the eyes say it all! Thus allow us to take a glance at however the form of one’s eye will outline their temperament. The size of the eyes matter too! The size of your eyes matters too. Are they big? Distinguished or small? If you’re unsure, you will raise your friends or […]